Saturday, May 29, 2010

After 40 Days and 40 Nights the Oil Spill in the Gulf Takes on Biblical Proportions!

Which of course,  begs the question.

Why Cant Pat Robertson.  Just pray it away?

That is after all, what He and His Congregation Claim to do every time a Hurricane Approaches Virginia Beach.  What's the matter Pat, don't you still believe in the power of prayer?

Don't You Think It's Strange That Big Oil's Capitalist Pimp and Preacher, Pat Robertson has been so silent on the subject?

Is it possible that Big Oil's - Biggest Cheerleader,  Pat Robertson is having second thoughts about  his  "Drill Baby Drill"  philosophy?

Is He Possibly Questioning His Own Religious Dogma That Preaches Corporate Greed, Wealth and Riches Are the Way to Heaven?

Or is he just sitting back waiting,  formulating,  conniving and scheming a way to blame this on  The Nonbelievers.  Or perhaps, better still, he's trying to figure out a way to blame this on the Gays, Haitians or both.

I don't know what you have up your sleeve Pat Robertson.  But I await with bated breath, because I'm sure it's gonna be a doozy!

Agnostic Thinking...

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Seize BP Petition button

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fundamentalist Christians Play the Hitler Card in yet Another Attempt to Further Demonize Gays!

This would be Funny if it weren't so Damn Scary.  The right-wing Homophobes at the American Family Association are at it again.  This time the AFA's Bryan Fischer states that Adolf Hitler was Gay and surrounded himself with Butch Gay Soldiers because Straight Soldiers were not capable of being Brutal and Savage Enough to meet Hitler's Tyrannical Needs!  

So now these  "Loving Christians".   God's  so-called "Gentle

People"  are blaming the Holocaust On the Queers.  

Why Are These People so Full of Hate?

And why do they insist on perpetuating their hate in the name

of their so-called loving God?

Agnostic Thinking...

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Quotable Quote from Miami Herald Columnist Leonard Pitts Jr.

In a  Recent Column  South Florida Notable and Nationally Syndicated, Award-Winning  Columnist Leonard Pitts Junior Addressed the Atrocity and Hypocrisy of the  George Alan Rekers Story - The Psychologist and Baptist Minister Who Claimed He Could Cure Homosexuality.

"Put yourself in the shoes of the teenager" he wrote, "Bewildered and Frightened by these feelings he or she is not 'supposed' to have, feelings of sexual attraction to people of the same gender. You try to deny them, try to ignore them, try to suppress them, but they will not go away. You are all alone, isolated behind a secret that presses down on you like weights, a fear of rejection that haunts you like ghosts.

And here comes Dr. Rekers telling you you are abnormal, telling you you are bad, telling you he can cure you, as if you had a disease like measles or the flu.

Then, in his off hours, after he's done curing you, he's trolling  RentBoy.Com  looking for young men to handle his, ahem . . . baggage.

That's more than hypocrisy, more even than self-loathing. It is a betrayal of one's own, a sellout of the most vulnerable.

And what's sad is not just that a George Rekers would do this, but that ours is a culture that would encourage and reward such duplicity in the first place.

He purported to heal homosexuals? One is reminded of an injunction: 'Physician, heal thyself.'

Rekers would be wise to heed that advice.

Homosexual urges are the least of his afflictions." 

Sometimes Mister Pitts, Your Writing, Your Insight and Your Sensitivity - Just Blow Me Away!
Is it Any Wonder They Gave You a Pulitzer Prize in 2004. 

Agnostic Thinking...

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Some Parishioners Are Outraged By Their Churches New Crucifix!

Believe it or not, this is the actual Crucifix that hangs above the main altar of Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in War Acres Oklahoma ...

Apparently,  The Huge Boner Is in the Eyes of the Beholder! 

"There are a couple people who have left the parish,” the Rev. Philip Seeton, the church’s pastor explained to USA Today  "There are people in the parish who don’t like it and have stayed away.”

Critics of the crucifix take issue with what appears to be a large penis covering Jesus’ abdominal area. Seeton said the portion of the crucifix in question is meant to be Jesus’ abdomen "showing distension”  - and definitely not a penis.

Seton also explained to the "Oklahoman" a local newspaper, "I’ve had people who have vocally said that that’s what they see there. I’ve had other people who have been just as vocal who said that’s not what they’re seeing there.”

Frustrated by all the publicity and controversy Father Seaton has now referred all questions to the Oklahoma City Archdiocese.

Monsignor Edward Weisenburger said he has no problems with the crucifix either and has referred specific questions back to Seeton. 

Janet Jaime is the artist who designed the New 10 Foot Tall Crucifix and, according to the newspapers covering this story she was unavailable for comment, but her husband said critics are misinterpreting a common religious icon.

"This isn't just a subjective depiction. This is an historical religious icon of the church,” said Reggie Jaime, husband of Janet Jaime, an Oklahoma City Iconographer commissioned by the church to design the crucifix. “I can't help what you see in things, or she sees in things, or anyone.”

Now, the idea that this might be a religious icon is completely plausible to me.  After all, many cultures and societies have long-established traditions of worshiping phallic symbols.  But to suggest that this crucifix does not depict both Exaggerated and Engorged Genitalia is absolutely Ludicrous and Absurd to me.

Father Seaton's attempt to explain this as being nothing more than abdominal distention strikes me as being pretty lame.  But then again, that's me.  He's already got his parishioners believing in Heaven, Hell and the Virgin Birth.  So Who Knows What Else They Might "Swallow"?!

Agnostic Thinking...

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Betty White Wants to Know - Is Elena Kagan A Muff Diver?

Well I'm not really sure if Betty wants to know or not, but it does seem like no matter where you go, everyone is asking the same question.  Is President Obama's New Supreme Court Nominee, Elena  Kagan,  a Homosexual?

Is Elena Kagan Gay?

Gee, I don't know. Is the Pope a Nazi who protects child molesters?

Or as some might say, If It Looks like a Duck and Quacks like a Duck...

But is that really fair?  You know, just because she's pretty enough to be a Dyke.  Is it fair that we make that assumption?

Besides, it's not really important. Since Hillary never came out and nor did Janet Reno, Madeline Albright, Margaret Thatcher, Janet Napolitano, or even Sonia Sotomayor - why should Elena have to?

Although I must admit I fail to understand their reluctance. Since it's always been my experience that the world tends to take lesbians a lot more seriously than they do pretty little "Barbie Doll" straight girls. 

In fact, generally speaking, I think society gives gay women a lot more credibility, tolerance and respect than is generally afforded towards gay men.  There are of course exceptions to that.  Especially when it comes to occupations.

Let's face it, depending on the profession, most of America treats Gay Men the same way they treat Jewish Professionals.  Even An Anti-Semitic, Neo-Nazi Type will look for a Jewish name when he needs a really Good Lawyer, Doctor or Accountant.

Much the same way that an Uptight, Intolerant, Homophobic Christian Woman will still seek out the Gay Hairdresser, Florist, Wedding Planner, or Interior Designer.

The truth is, the really important question here is not Ms. Kagan's sexual orientation, but rather, where does she actually stand on the important issues.  Unfortunately very little is known about this nominee.  Does she tend to be a liberal, moderate or conservative? 

Is She Pro-Choice?  Is She a Civil Libertarian?  And just because she looks and acts gay - will she actually prove to be gay friendly?

President Obama seems to know and like her and that should be a good sign, but then again, this president has proven to be considerably more conservative than many of us had expected. 

As a Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan will be undergoing some extensive scrutiny in the coming months.  So hopefully, in time, we'll have more answers.  I plan to reserve judgment until then.

Agnostic Thinking...

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